Welcome to a brand new roleplaying experience! AI RolePlay is currently in early development phase and is experimental. We are integrating Open AI API calls to create a unique and dynamic dating sim experience.

The game has a few pre-made stories and characters for players to dive right into, but it also offers the opportunity for players to design their own stories and characters. Using Open AI, it will generate storylines and outcomes based on the choices players make.

Please note that this game is experimental and we are constantly seeking feedback to improve the player experience. As with any game that allows for player-generated content, we are not responsible for the content created with this tool.

Have fun!

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So uhm why does it say invalid Api key I put my Api in

(1 edit) (+2)

You need to install a difference database there are many other LLMs and some are free. Sourceforge and GITHub are the more well known websites for various kinds of software including databases.. OpenAI will not allow any adult content. 

(2 edits) (-1)

While other models may be free, they are not as nearly as powerful as OpenAI's. Their text completion model allows for adult content for now (you risk getting banned though).

I think it's good to have options. Maybe in the future I can add more engines to the app, like you suggest.


was fun while it lasted. they shut down my account due to improper use and violation of user agreement. 

basically they saw what it was being used for (this) and shut down my account.


Oh, wow. I never thought they'd do that!


surprised me too. unfortunate, but like i said, enjoyed it while it lasted.


Hi there,

After a thorough investigation, we have determined that you or a member of your organization are using the OpenAI API in ways that violate our policies.

Due to this breach we are halting access to the API immediately for the organization Personal. Common reasons for breach include violations of our usage policies or accessing the API from an unsupported location. You may also wish to review our Terms of Use.

If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact us through our help center. We will review appeals as soon as possible and will contact you if we reinstate access to the API.

Best, The OpenAI team

This was the email I got. So lookin like you might not have your app up much longer if they're looking into these things. 

The game is preventing me from continuing to play, showing this message Error: { "error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.", "type": "insufficient_quota", "param": null, "code": null } }


Yes that mean you have exceeded your current token amount and need to purchase more, otherwise you can make a new openai account but you will need a new phone number 

I have no idea with the "target" "adverb", whatever it is goin on here also how do I get API?

Seemed a rlly cool concept but seems a bit complicated


You get an API key from the openAI webpage. The adverb is how you do the action you detailed such as "I slowly grabbed the vase" the adverb would slowly 

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Yes. Hopefully with time, OpenAI will make their model more open and accessible to use.

How do i get more tokens for this?

You'd have to purchase more in the official OpenAI site (or create a new account with new phone number).


fair warning, it can get expensive quickly. so be careful.


could we maybe get a default story from the opposite pov in these? like from the mother/father/teacher perspective?

(1 edit)

I've actually thought of that idea but I'm not entirely convinced.

In any case, the user can import whatever story they like. The premade stories are there to jump right into it without much hassle. I don't want to overload it.

I'm getting this error that says

Error: { "error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.", "type": "insufficient_quota", "param": null, "code": null } }

Yeah means you used up all of you're tokens and need to get more

there's tokens?

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah each token is worth some amount of words but I don't know how many, same thing happened to me you either buy more or make a new account but to make a new account you need a new phone number 

what was this last update?

Minor UI fix. Nothing worth mentioning, really :P


an here i was gettin all excitable and shtuff... ah well time to get re obsessed with this anyway!

ugh i am begging you please remove api key for any date story :( chatgpt blocked in russia and i cant get any api keys :( when its gonna be removed please

Sadly, the app can't run without the OpenAI API Key. If you want to play with it, you'll have to find a work around your country restrictions for now.

Alternatively, you can try out other AIs that aim to do the same. I hear PygmalionAI works wonders too and can run locally after some configurations.

sad i hope in mean time that will allow me to chatgpt in my country sometime when its gonna be

that really sucks, piss play is really easy to get to work on here. though furries are a little harder.

yea you cant play any date i mean in fictional world

Deleted 284 days ago

Sorry if this is bothersome but how do I use the gpt without a phone number, I don't have a phone but I have a tablet

(2 edits) (+1)

OpenAI official registration site requires phone verification. I don't think there's a way to bypass that. Sorry.

There are some sites out there that offer a temporary phone number as a service but I haven't tried any of them and I can't recommend any.

I don't know if this is the best or is even still available, but you could try getting a free phone number via Google Voice.

You can buy an account for 1-2$ online

(1 edit)

I can't change actors anymore

(1 edit)

Not since version 0.4. I wasn't happy with some of the outputs generated when using an actor other than "I".

You can circumvent this limit by forming inputs such as: "I see <Actor> as they do...", "I listen to <Actor> as they say..."

Or you can just try out the Free Mode.

Open Ai’s usage policies go against some of the scenarios that you provide (Adult content, Erotic chat and Content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness).

Will my account be ok to play this if I use one of these scenarios?


So far so good. I haven't had ban reports from other users or myself.

API usage seems to be less restrictive than ChatGPT or the Playground.

However, use it at your own risk!

will there be a downloadable app?

It's not on my list of priorities right now.

You can use the official website for better usability: https://ai-roleplay.com/

Deleted 13 days ago
(1 edit)

I agree.

While I don't expect it to be totally free (advanced language models like OpenAI's consume a lot of processing power), it's not unrealistic to assume that costs will become more affordable over time. Hopefully, we won't have to wait that long for that as everything is moving fast.

The game, as of now, serves more as a proof of concept of what can be done. Treat it like a DEMO.

Not sure if theirs anyway or doing it but game does not seem to be compatible with mobile

Works fine for me, but does scale awkwardly. I am using a Samsung S20 FE 5G, so maybe it's phone based. 

I’m on iPhone not sure if it’s that, but I paste the API key but can’t seem to click any of the pre-made story things

(1 edit)

The API key isn't the problem, that's for sure.

I haven't personally tested the app on iPhone, so I couldn't tell if it's an issue with its browser specifically. Maybe you can try running it on a browser other than Safari?


(1 edit)

I just pushed an update. The site should now properly work on Safari.

Please, let me know how it goes :-)


yep works great thank you!!

Try the main site: https://ai-roleplay.com/

tried it won’t let me click on begin story even on main site

Besides the role play , should be able write  story like Novel.ai , including increasing the amount of words in a response, not too short ,can be set such as  respond At least 1000 words would be great.

Interesting suggestion. I'll keep it in mind for the next update.

Deleted 89 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I suspect it's a problem with the browser cache. Try pressing Ctrl+F5 while on the page for a full refresh.

Please, let me know if the problem persists.

Deleted 203 days ago

dosent wor


I have two suggestions for improving the game. First, the credit system is not very user-friendly. You could try using Pygmalion AI instead. It’s a free tool that lets you create interactive stories with just a Google Colab. Second, you should add a disclaimer in the description that warns potential players about the erotic content in the game. 

Other than that I think it has great potential.


Thank you for the feedback. I'll look into it.

Very good this update 0.3. I found the reduction in costs very apparent

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


I love this! I just wish it was free. Having a monthly limit kinda sucks, and I don't have the money to support the project.


Give it a year or two. It's still pretty early for this technology.

And don't worry, your positive comment is more than enough!


The export feature didn't work?


It seems like that feature doesn't work with itch.io embed.

Try the main site: https://ai-roleplay.com/


This game is awesome i like how it remembered titles


Please add Traditional Chinese (•⁠ᴗ⁠ • ⁠⁠ )

(1 edit)

I'll see what I can do :-)

Deleted post

I loved the ideia so much, I had a lot of fun. I haven't tested if it works in other languages (like Portuguese), but if it doesn't it would be a nice addition. 

Would it be possible to put the game in another language?
(1 edit)

Possibly. What other language would you like to see?


Portuguese :)


pokemon, yugioh, harry potter, mlp, and curse of strahd are a few worlds i've done in the custom story. it works really well. good bit of happy from this.

I love everything with this game and happy to see updates. But i wish we can play without api keys or download this game. 

Hopefully in the near future!

Good to hear, keep it up.


I am a Taiwanese player. I'm hooked on this game. I wish the game had more text instead of repeating it all the time. I hope the game has more text content and more choices.

(2 edits)

If the responses become too repetitive, you can try hitting the "Replay" button or "Edit" it to guide the AI toward the resolution you want.

I could always increase the "freedom" of the AI for more varied responses, but in doing so, I risk having senseless conversations. I'll monitor the responses and see what adjustments can be done.


thank you for your reply. Hope the characters in the plot can express more emotions and actions. Good luck with your creation.

Sorry for my bad english ;)

Deleted 89 days ago

Thank you for your feedback!

Pretty fun, though I find it limiting that I can't use an open text box and instead have to pick and choose specific keywords to use in responses.

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You more or less use the voice box for everything you want, you only need to specify when you don't intend to actually speak.

hope this improves your experience.

Well, you always can get around the limits with different combinations of words. Like "DO *here write any action in second open text box*"

In the end AI receive complete sentence to process, so it doesn't matter which parts from where except for the voice part, of course, cause it's in quotation marks.

I've been playin around with this for a bit now and It's great. But I actually ran into the problem of making the max amount of requests, so I can't continue my story. Do you think theres going to be some work around for this?

(1 edit) (+1)

Did you exceed the 4000-token limit for the story, or did you use up all of your free credit quota?

For the first issue, I anticipate that OpenAI servers will expand and, eventually, be able to process more information. Nonetheless, I'm working on a few solutions that involve the use of summarization techniques but it's not perfect.

For the latter, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan or create a new OpenAI account.


Yeah I exceeded the 4000-token limit, but it's nice to hear that you're already thinking of a solution for it. Good luck with that!

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Have to say I love the game, too few people are taking advantage of modern AI for games. Are there any plans to make it downloadable in the future?

I believe it's only a matter of time until people realize the possibilities of AI and start employing it in almost every industry.

Regarding the stand-alone downloadable version, please keep in mind that you need an internet connection to play, so there isn't much point in doing that for PC right now. That being said, I am considering developing an .apk for Android. We'll see...

My focus for now is to have a stable and polished version of the game. It is also somewhat limited by the OpenAI API, such as the 4000-token limit per story, but this is something that can improve with time.


This game is awesome even if i don't know how to play it


Sent a coffee (as they say in my country) to support such an ambitious project. Thanks a lot for your work, and I will follow with extreme interest :) 

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

Thank you for your kindness! <3

As the AI technology evolves, it can only get better. Let's just hope they keep the censorship at a bare minimum.

Meanwhile, I'll keep working on improving the experience with these types of narratives, as I enjoy them myself.

I'm looking to add story import/export next. But feel free to suggest any new features you'd like to see.

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